{"id":1498,"date":"2024-06-12T12:55:11","date_gmt":"2024-06-12T10:55:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.apply.com.lk\/?p=1498"},"modified":"2024-06-11T15:55:40","modified_gmt":"2024-06-11T13:55:40","slug":"e-visa-sri-lanka","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.apply.com.lk\/en\/article\/sri-lanka-visa\/","title":{"rendered":"You now need an e-Visa to travel to Sri Lanka"},"content":{"rendered":"

Travel to Sri Lanka: e-visa required<\/h1>\n

With its heavenly beaches, incredible wildlife and rich cultural heritage, Sri Lanka is a dream destination for many travellers. However, to be able to enter this South Asian country, it is now essential to apply for a visa in advance. e-visa<\/strong>. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with all the information you need to obtain your e-visa and prepare for your trip with complete peace of mind.<\/p>\n

The e-visa for Sri Lanka: an essential step<\/h2>\n

What is an e-visa?<\/h3>\n

An e-visa, or electronic visa, is an official document allowing foreigners to stay in a specific country for a set period of time. This authorisation is given entirely online, simplifying the administrative process.<\/p>\n

Why an e-visa for Sri Lanka?<\/h3>\n

The Sri Lankan government has introduced this measure to improve security, control the flow of tourists and facilitate entry management at border crossing points. It will also modernise migration procedures and make the country more attractive to international visitors. The ETA approach is therefore no longer relevant.<\/strong>This was the old electronic travel authorisation. The e-visa is now required and will be the new online administrative formality for travelling to Sri Lanka.<\/p>\n

How to obtain your e-visa for Sri Lanka<\/h2>\n

Start the online application<\/h3>\n

To obtain your e-visa, you must fill in a form<\/a> which requires a number of essential pieces of information:<\/p>\n